Districts. Buildings. Indoor Spaces.

The research portal contains compact short profiles of the research projects funded by the Hermann-Rietschel-Institut since 2013 over all resesarch areas. Different target groups are addressed via knowledge and engineering transfer and the latest research results are communicated in dialogue with practitioners.

EnOB: GEnEff

EnOB: GEnEff

Novel building performance evaluation. Currently, the energy efficiency of buildings is exclusively linked to the energy demand during operation. Although “efficiency” is defined as the ratio between the benefit and …
EnEff: OP-Luft

EnEff: OP-Luft

Energy-efficient ventilation of multifunctional operating rooms Approximately 16.2 million operating procedures are carried out in Germany every year. About 225,000 cases of postoperative wound infections occur (1.9%) as a result …


Operative temperature as measurement and control parameter for direct electrical heating systems. As part of the research project “Operative temperature as a measurement and control variable for electrical direct heating …
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