Following the German federal government’s energy transformation target, the TU Berlin and UdK Berlin universities intend to establish themselves as exemplary institutions in terms of energy efficiency.
To this end, the area of the Berlin-Charlottenburg University Campus (HCBC), consisting of around 47 buildings, is to be refurbished in such a way that the government’s primary energy saving targets for 2050 can be demonstrated in part as early as 2023.
To this purpose, a holistic approach that combines partial refurbishment of individual buildings and/or their energy systems with cross-building solutions like heating and cooling networks has been chosen. The interaction of energy generation, storage, distribution and use must be adjusted in order to efficiently renovate and operate energy-efficient buildings and districts. Therefore, for the HCBC campus, the energy balance limit has been shifted from the individual building to the entire area, resulting in numerous technical, economic and legal challenges that need to be solved within the framework of the EnEff: HCBC project. The project thus aims to showcase alternative methods for the refurbishment of buildings and city quarters to the present standard practices (EnEV).
The basis for the implementation phase is the Energy Masterplan, which was developed in the first phase of the project (FKZ: 03ET1354-X, duration: April 2016 – August 2018) and comprises the most energy and cost efficient energy efficiency measures and the chronological order in which they should be realized. In addition to these measures, an innovative district cooling network and a demonstrator consisting of a multi-level district heating network and storage that aims to emulate the integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources into heating networks will be built, monitored and optimized.


Projectterm | January 2019 to December 2024 |
Funding code | 03ET1632 |
Project management | Arda Karasu |