Low-emission and energy-efficient energy supply in urban areas using the latest, intelligent ICT structures.
Hydraulic networks are a proven engineering for heating and cooling supply in urban areas. The integration of renewable energy sources is planned, but it is not easy to implement. There are already some field tests, e.g., for the use of solar thermal generation units, but their implementation is not possible without technical limitations. PV systems are only rarely used in combination with heating grids at the moment, so that the low-voltage grids are loaded primarily.
The aim of the project is therefore to develop plant engineering and control systems that support local energy management in combination with feed-in and feed-out control in a heating network as well as an electrical network. Digital interfaces are to be included in order to enable integration into higher level control systems of the grid operators or into different energy markets.
Different decentralized systems (PV systems, heat pumps, CHP systems or fuel cells) should be considered in combination with a low-temperature grid. The development of necessary communication structures is in the focus here, including the use of the developed platform from the N5GEH-Projekt (phase I).


Project term | June 2022 – May 2026 |
Funding code | 03EN3058B |
Project management | Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Seifert |
Website | https://n5geh.com/e3/ |