The german government purse the target to be greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. This target could be reached by reducing the total energy consumption and by increasing the share of renewable energies.
Heating systems and domestic hot water generation accounted for approximately one third of Germany’s primary energy consumption in 2017. But only 13 percent of this energy was produced from renewable energy sources. In contrast, the share of renewable energies in the electricity sector was approximately one third. This indicates a need for action within the heating sector. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer national climate targets to local planning and implementation levels. The integration of municipalities and local authorities is an essential part of the solution.
The main objective of the research project is to develop an environmentally friendly, technically feasible and economically viable heat supply solution for the district of Leeste in Lower Saxony. This area is part of the metropolitan area of Bremen and, due to its urban redevelopment concept, particularly suitable for transferring research results to other suburban areas. The area is characterised by mainly residential buildings for one or two families, small local industry buildings, a school and a sports field. Furthermore, additional development is planned for the next few years.
For this district, an innovative and decentralised heating network is developed that can absorb as much renewable heat as possible and distribute it according to demand. In contrast to urban areas where the supply of renewable energy sources is usually limited, suburban areas offer access to various renewable heat sources. Biomass, solar thermal energy, near-surface geothermal energy and the use of waste water heat are considered as possible regenerative energy sources. This system shall ensure to maximise the use of local available renewable energy sources and lower the carbon dioxide emissions of the district significantly.
In the current, second project phase, the designed heating network is to be realized. The research partners will provide close scientific support for all parties involved (energy producers, energy network operators, politicians, residents, and consumers). This includes the development of a transferable energy management system and a fully automated program for the identification of further suburban areas.
The cooperative project involves three project partners: The Hermann-Rietschel-Institut is responsible for project coordination and technical research. The Institute for Ecological Economy Research (Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH) is responsible for economic research. The Environmental Centre Stuhr-Weyhe (Umweltzentrum Stuhr-Weyhe e.V.) deals with participative issues and represents the link between local actors and science.


Project term | August 2022 – July 2025 |
Funding code | 03EN3062A |
Project management | Gerrid Brockmann |