Use of pulsed supply air jets to raise air change efficiency and thermal comfort and lowering the demand of primary energy.
In the context of the research project pulsed supply air jets will be investigated, which have benefits over convenient stationary mixed air supply regarding thermal comfort, air change efficiency and demand of primary energy. The selection and placement of air inlets, as well as dimensioning supply air flow rate and supply air temperature follows the maximum room capacity.
In times when the room is not fully used to capacity, the supply airflow rate can be reduced while maintaining the same temperature difference between supply air and room air, thus leading to a changed and occasionally uncomfortable air current as shown in a previous study by TU Berlin. To avoid discomfort, the supply air temperature is raised and the airflow rate has to be maintained at a high level to sustain the principles of mixed air supply. This operating condition is wasting auxiliary energy (fan power). Current guidelines only deal with stationary, full load situations. A partial load situation will lead to a different air current than full load situation.
In these situations, the use of pulsed supply air jets can be beneficial. The research project will answer questions regarding appraisal of thermal comfort and lead to new approaches to dimensioning air supply systems under the use of jet laws. The potential of primary energy savings will be determined, which has to be considered when evaluating this procedure. This will raise acceptance for this kind of air supply and thus lead to a demand for such air supply systems.


Project term | November 2018 to April 2021 |
Funding code | 20399 N |
Project management | Eugen Lichtner |