The Hermann-Rietschel-Institut offers courses for the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree and other interdisciplinary courses.

Master’s program
Building Energy Systems
The Master’s program in Building Energy Systems (Gebäudeenergiesysteme | GES) focuses on heating and ventilation engineering, lighting engineering, technical acoustics and renewable energies, with the needs of people as the starting point for all considerations.

Bachelor’s program
Energy and Process Engineering
The Bachelor’s program in Energy and Process Engineering (Energie- und Prozesstechnik | EPT) based on Energy engineering is concerned with the transformation, transport, storage and rational use of various forms and carriers of energy.

Master’s and Bachelor’s Modules
Engineering in Architecture
The HRI lectures in Architecture (M.Sc. and B.Sc.) provide you with important knowledge and skills in integral planning and a broad overview of the practical necessity of integrating engineers into the architectural workflow.
Short profiles with concise information on course content are listed under → Study Courses.
Take a look at the amazing → Master’s & Bachelor’s Theses that have been carried out at the Hermann-Rietschel-Institut since 2019.
Find out about → Theses & Internships and → Study & Doctoral Theses with FAQ, informations and contacts.