The Hermann-Rietschel-Institut offers a wide range of unique lectures for the Master’s program in Building Energy Systems (→ GES), the Bachelor’s program in (→ EPT), the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Architecture (ARC) and other interdisciplinary courses covering all aspects of building and energy engineering.
For more information, take a look at the TU Berlin’s MOSES system, which lists the modules for each degree program. Under the module number you can find out all about the course content, learning objectives and much more.
Energy and Process Engineering | EPT
30013 | Computerunterstützte Energieplanung für Gebäude (EN) Computer Aided Energy Design for Buildings (EN) | 6 SS | EPT B.Sc. a.o. |
30081 | Labor Gebäudetechnik Building Services Engineering Laboratory | 4 | EPT B.Sc. |
30389 | Energiesysteme für Gebäude Building energy systems | 6 | EPT B.Sc. a.o. |
30390 | Sanitärtechnik Sanitary engineering | 3 | EPT B.Sc. a.o. |
30397 | Labor Gebäudetechnik I Building Services Laboratory I | 3 | EPT B.Sc. a.o. |
30398 | Labor Gebäudetechnik II Building Services Engineering Laboratory II | 3 | EPT B.Sc. a.o. |
Building Energy Systems | GES
30183 | Energie- und Anlagentechnik für Gebäude Energy and systems engineering for buildings | 6 SS | GES M.Sc. a.o. |
30383 | Innenraumklima Indoor Climate | 6 SS | GES M.Sc. |
30399 | Brandschutz Fire Protection | 6 SS | GES M.Sc. a.o. |
30400 | TGA-Forschungsprojekt TGA Research Project | 6 WS/SS | GES M.Sc. |
30401 | Gebäudeautomation Building Automation | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30402 | Reinraumtechnik Clean room technology | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30424 | Solare Energiesysteme für Gebäude Solar energy systems for buildings | 6 t.b.c. | GES M.Sc. |
30425 | Elektrische Installationstechnik Electrical Installation | 6 WS/SS | GES M.Sc. |
30454 | Masterarbeit Gebäudeenergiesysteme Building Energy Systems Master's Thesis | 30 | GES |
30580 | Industriepraktikum Industrial Internship | 6 | GES M.Sc. |
30603 | Industriepraktikum Industrial Internship | 6 WS/SS | GES M.Sc. |
30648 | Projektlehre Solarenergie Solar Energy Project Theory | 6 WS/SS | GES M.Sc. a.o. |
30688 | Grundlagen Heizung, Lüftung & Kälte (HLK) Basics of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. a.o. |
30689 | Projekt Systemsimulation: Grundlagen System Simulation Project: Fundamentals | 6 SS | GES M.Sc. |
30690 | Projekt Systemsimulation: Praktische Umsetzung System Simulation Project: Practical Implementation | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30691 | Projekt Systemsimulation: Theoretische Anwendung System Simulation Project: Theoretical Application | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30692 | Projekt Numerische Simulation: Grundlagen Numerical Simulation Project: Fundamentals | 6 SS | GES M.Sc. |
30693 | Projekt Numerische Simulation: Praktische Umsetzung Numerical Simulation Project: Practical Implementation | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30694 | Projekt Numerische Simulationen: Theoretische Anwendung Numerical Simulation Project: Theoretical Application | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30695 | CAE Buildings (CAE) CAE Buildings (CAE) | 6 WS | GES M.Sc. |
30787 | Projektlabor Photovoltaik – Durchführung Photovoltaic Design Lab - Realisation | 3 | GES M.Sc. a.o. |
30840 | Kommunikationstechnik in der thermischen und elektrischen Energietechnik Communication Technology in Thermal and Electrical Engineering | SS | GES M.Sc. |
30842 | Smart Home Intelligent home | 6 SS | GES M.Sc. |
30899 | Wissenschaftliche Publikation Scientific publication | 6 WS/SS | GES M.Sc. |
30936 | Digitale Energie Hackathon Digital Energy Hackathon | WS | GES M.Sc. |
31038 | Gebäudeenergiesysteme MSc. – Vertiefung Technische Gebäudeausrichtung – Auslandsstudium Building Energy Systems MSc - Specialisation in Technical Building Orientation - Study Abroad | 6 | GES M.Sc. |
31039 | Gebäudeenergiesysteme – Auslandsstudium Building Energy Systems - Study Abroad | 6 | GES M.Sc. |
31067 | Projekt Photovoltaik Photovoltaics Project | 3 | GES M.Sc. |
31141 | Gesundheitsfördernde Gebäude Healthy buildings | 6 WS/SS |
Architecture | ARC
30089 | Solare Energiesysteme (Modul-Nr. 4.4) Solar Energy Systems (Module 4.4) | 3 WS/SS | ARC M.Sc. |
60392 | Projektintegrierter Entwurf Energie – Gebäudeenergiesysteme (PIV) Project Integrated Design Energy - Building Energy Systems (PIV) | WS/SS | ARC B.Sc. |
61326 | Gebäudetechnik und Energie – Teil Gebäudeenergiesysteme Building technology and energy - part building energy systems | WS | ARC B.Sc. a.o. |