Hermann Rietschel Colloquium

The 20th Hermann Rietschel Colloquium (HRC) took place from 3 to 7 March 2024 in the picturesque town of Hirschegg in the Kleinwalsertal in Austria. The event brings together experts from the Technical Universities of Aachen, Dresden and Berlin as well as the University of Stuttgart under the direction of Professors Dirk Müller, Clemens Felsmann, Martin Kriegel and Konstantinos Stergiaropoulos to discuss current developments and challenges in the field of energy supply and distribution of and in buildings.

The HRC provided participants with a platform for intensive professional exchange and the opportunity to present the latest research results. The main topics of this year’s colloquium reflected the pressing issues of the research and engineering sector, including the optimisation of energy systems and management systems, the implementation of AI, neighbourhood concepts, as well as indoor comfort and air quality.

A highlight of the colloquium was the awarding of prizes for outstanding presentations in various categories. In the Innovation category, Tim Klebig was honoured for his presentation. Klebig’s work promises a groundbreaking method for detecting refrigerant levels in heat pumps using vibration sensors. Fabian Wüllhorst received the award in the Technical Relevance category for his presentation. Wüllhorst’s research promises practical design rules for optimising heat pump systems in residential buildings, which could make a significant contribution to energy efficiency. The award for ‘Best Presentation’ went to Johannes Brunder for his presentation ‘Diffusion absorption – of electricity-free cooling, peaceful sleep and Albert Einstein’s leisure time’. Brunder impressed not only with his technical content, but also with his engaging presentation.

In addition to the high-level discussions, there was also a sporting competition on the agenda – the HRC Cup. In a tribute to the historic rivalry between the participating universities, teams from Berlin, Dresden, Aachen and Stuttgart competed for the coveted trophy. After an exciting competition, TU Berlin came out on top, narrowly beating their rivals from Aachen to win the HRC Cup.

The 20th Hermann Rietschel Colloquium was not only an opportunity for valuable professional exchange, but also for the cultivation of networks and the promotion of interdisciplinary dialog. The participants returned from Hirschegg to their home institutions with new insights and strengthened connections, ready to tackle the challenges of the future and drive forward innovative solutions.

10.04.2024, Gerrid Brockmann