EG2050: FlexEHome

Waste heat utilisation of Edge Data Centers with Hot- Fluid-Adsorption-System.

Energy Plus houses, which produce a net energy surplus from renewable energy sources during one year, have become state of the art. The time and weather-dependent nature of the used energy sources make it possible to produce more energy than the building needs over the whole year, but energy still needs to be taken from the grid, especially during the winter season.

In this project, a single-family home is designed and built to fulfill its energy demand for heat and power for the whole year, using only on-site generated renewable energy.

The Core elements are an optimized energy footprint, photovoltaic panels, and hydrogen facilities, including electrolyzer, fuel cell, and storage, to enable seasonal energy storage for later reconversion.


Project termDecember 2020 to September 2025
Funding code03EGB0025B
Project managementRaik Fahrich