Research in the Area of Buildings.

The research portal contains compact short profiles of the research projects funded by the Hermann-Rietschel-Institut since 2013 in the area of Buildings. Different target groups are addressed via knowledge and engineering transfer and the latest research results are communicated in dialogue with practitioners.



Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by UVC light and hazardous to health. The main goal of this joint project is to investigate the inactivation of SARSCoV- 2 and other selected respiratory viruses …
EG2050: FlexEHome

EG2050: FlexEHome

Waste heat utilisation of Edge Data Centers with Hot- Fluid-Adsorption-System. Energy Plus houses, which produce a net energy surplus from renewable energy sources during one year, have become state of …
EnOB: AutoBop

EnOB: AutoBop

Efficient operation of heat transfer systems. Heat exchangers play a decisive role in the supply concept and are used when system separation is required. They can be found: During commissioning, …