Energy-effcient Hospital Environments.
To improve the health of staff and patients, create a healthy indoor climate and air quality with minimal energy requirements. The hospital building has the task of providing a health-promoting environment. However, unfavorable conditions can also contribute to patients’ poorer and slower recovery and even put patients and staff at additional risk.
The Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at Charité Berlin and the Institute of Constructive Design (IKE) at Technische Universität Braunschweig are working together on an interdisciplinary basis under the leadership of the Hermann-Rietschel-Institute (HRI) at Technische Universität Berlin. Associated Partners are the Charité CFM Facility Management GmbH and the Siemens AG. The aim of this research project is to address environmental conditions that are particularly relevant in terms of both health and energy use.
The overall aim of the project is to develop practical, implementable modular components for the energy-effcient provision of good indoor air hygiene and a health-promoting indoor climate in buildings. To measure energy effciency, a new evaluation parameter is to be introduced that compares the beneft of infection prevention/health with the energy expenditure. A sensor network should enable permanent monitoring of the new energy effciency indicator for hospital rooms.


Project term | December 2023 to November 2026 |
Funding code | 03EN1086A |
Project management | Claudia Kopic |