EnOB: RLT-Auto

Commissioning and operation of HVAC systems.

The goal of the project is to improve the commissioning and operation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems). The control of HVAC systems is confronted with new challenges due to decentralized generation structures and fluctuating feed-in and use of regenerative energies. Classic controllers designed for nominal operation are not suitable for all operating points due to increasing partial load operation, variable weather conditions, fluctuating source supply temperatures, and nonlinear operating behavior. For this purpose, control

strategies are implemented that improve conventional PID control. In the second part of the project, sensor signals are largely automatically evaluated to detect unfavorable operating conditions early and optimize operation. Together with the industrial partner TROX, a rapid and competent implementation of the innovation is ensured.


Project termNovember 2023 to October 2027
Funding code03EN1085A
Project managementKarsten Tawackolian